Cloud ERP vs on-premise: Which is right for you?

In this article, we dive deep and explain the difference between cloud-based and on-premise enterprise resource planning systems, compare top ERP systems, and give you tips based on Globaldev’s experience.
What is an ERP system and why would a company want one?
Enterprise resource planning systems are valued across many companies and industries. These systems link together business processes and aid the flow of information between them. Enterprise resource planning software functions as a single source of truth by gathering a company’s shared data from multiple sources, significantly increasing the efficiency and clarity of internal communication.
A 2021 report by Panorama Consulting Group reveals that 91.7% of companies that have implemented enterprise resource planning software consider their ERP project to be successful because they were able to realize multiple benefits.

Companies implement ERP systems for different reasons. According to the 2020 ERP report by Software Path:

There are multiple ERP benefits that help companies achieve these goals. One of the most important advantages of an ERP system is optimized productivity. An ERP automates many operations, significantly decreasing the need for manually inputting data while eradicating duplicate information. In addition, modern enterprise resource planning systems allow staff to access and input information remotely from mobile devices.
Access to real-time data is another crucial benefit. Data is the most important resource a company can have. It’s vital to collect and process it regularly as well as to be able to access it in real time from anywhere to ensure business growth. Also, instead of having numerous spreadsheets and databases, it’s much more efficient to place data in a single location where you can easily view it all in one session.
Modern ERP systems offer an extensive range of helpful tools and functionalities, from the most basic (like financial planning and talent management) to specific functionalities like lot traceability and engineering change control (ECC) that are offered by manufacturing ERP software for makers of automotive parts and accessories. A wide variety of industry-specific features make businesses eager to switch from their legacy software to enterprise resource planning software. Moreover, because such functionalities and tools are explicitly designed to address a particular industry’s concerns, they’re capable of boosting a company’s efficiency and saving time.
You can get numerous other benefits depending on the type of enterprise resource planning system you implement. Both cloud and on-premise ERP have solid advantages that can promote your company’s success.
What is a cloud-based ERP system?
A cloud-based ERP is a technological infrastructure characterized by the business accessing the ERP through the internet, and the servers being in an offsite data center.
Frequently, when someone refers to a cloud ERP, they mean software as a service (SaaS) type. The SaaS model is the most common for a cloud-based ERP, but many people mistakenly consider these terms to be interchangeable.
In a SaaS deployment, you don’t own the software. It is offered to you by a vendor through a monthly/yearly subscription. The software is then made available via the internet, and your data is stored in the cloud.
In recent years, the popularity of cloud-based ERP systems has grown rapidly. In 2017, only 6% of ERP software was deployed in the cloud, as evidenced by the 2017 Report on ERP Systems and Enterprise Software from Panorama Consulting Solutions.

That percentage has grown tremendously in four years. In its 2021 ERP Report, Panorama Consulting Solutions noted that 53.1% of organizations use a cloud deployment while less than half have an on-premises ERP system.
Why did the percentage of organizations that prefer cloud hosting vs on-premise ERP systems skyrocket in only a few years? This is due to the strong benefits that cloud-based ERP solutions can provide for businesses.
Advantages and disadvantages of cloud ERP

Benefits of cloud ERP systems
The first major benefit of a cloud-based ERP system is that it’s easier to maintain. Since cloud ERP software is usually subscription-based, the vendor fully takes care of the ERP, its updates, backups, and hardware, so you won’t need to hire an internal IT crew, saving you time, money, and trouble.
Secondly, cloud-based ERP systems provide you with access to your data from anywhere, at any time, and via any device. This is a huge advantage for large enterprises, companies with multiple offices, and situations when you need to work remotely. A cloud ERP facilitates efficiency since you can save a lot of time by not being tied to one computer.
Additionally, a cloud-based ERP system can smoothly grow with your business due to high scalability. Everything you need or might need in the future can be delivered to you on-demand, like adding new users, modules, or tools.
Disadvantages of cloud ERP systems
However, there are some disadvantages to implementing this type of ERP system. First of all, there’s a heavy reliance on a stable internet connection. If your connection has frequent glitches, they might slow down and interrupt your work. Hence, you need to choose an internet provider carefully to avoid these issues.
Additionally, cloud ERP solutions often have fewer customization options and aren’t as easily tailored to a business’s needs. However, depending on the ERP provider, the software can be quite customizable.

Data security is companies’ most significant concern when considering the SaaS cloud ERP model. Organizations have loads of sensitive data they wouldn’t want vendors or anyone else to access. A data breach can do considerable damage to a company, such as by fully stopping production. For this reason, companies in the defence, aerospace, and similar industries choose private cloud or on-premises solutions to avoid even the minimal risk of a data breach.
Comparison of top cloud-based ERP systems
Due to the popularity of cloud enterprise resource planning systems, most if not all ERP vendors offer cloud solutions. To consider each one would take a very long time, which is why we’ve prepared a table of the top three cloud-based ERP systems on the market and a shortlist of their characteristics.

What is on-premise ERP?
An on-premise ERP system is installed on computers on an organization’s premises and is maintained by an organization’s internal IT team.
An ERP might need extra powerful servers, operating systems (OSs), or database software, which you’re responsible for acquiring. You’ll need to maintain an IT team to handle the software and hardware, but in exchange you’ll have complete control over the system, its updates, and its security.
Despite the rising popularity of cloud ERP systems in the past few years, on-premises solutions are not easily giving in. According to 2021 statistics, on-premises ERP systems still hold 46.9% of the market, and compared to 2017 statistics, this deployment type has dropped just 20.1% in popularity, as evidenced by the Panorama Consulting Solutions’ ERP reports.
Advantages and disadvantages of on-premise ERP

Advantages of on premise ERP
One of the biggest benefits of on-premise ERP is that you have complete control over the system and are not dependent on a vendor. You can arrange updates, backups, or security checks when they’re needed and convenient for your organization. You’ll also have time to prepare for maintenance processes, resulting in fewer to no workflow disruptions and thereby saving you time and effort. Also, you won’t have to ask permission from a vendor before implementing modifications to the system. In addition, an on-premises ERP system greater customizability, so you can easily meet your organization’s needs.
Data security is often why enterprises go for an on-premise ERP. By deploying your ERP on-premises, you can ensure that your sensitive data is stored in-house and can only be accessed internally. You also get full control over your backup system and don’t require an internet connection to access your data. Companies from industries with significant privacy concerns are usually reluctant to switch to the cloud. That’s because it’s crucial for them to have complete control of their data, which is why they usually choose an on-premises or hybrid deployment.
Disadvantages of on-premise ERP
On-premises ERP systems are more likely to lose data during mishaps because they’re located in-house. Hence, if on-premises systems are not backed up regularly, a company risks either losing data entirely or having to put on hold many business processes to try and recover the data.
Hardware maintenance is quite a complex task. To make sure your systems run smoothly, you have to ensure that server rooms are equipped for everything that can happen.
First, you need to monitor that your hardware is up-to-date, and buy new hardware when needed. A full server and necessary additional rack-mount hardware cost a lot of money and are expensive to maintain.
It’s also crucial that you have an appropriate cooling system so your hardware doesn’t overheat.
Plus, you’ll need to ensure you have backups for situations when you lose electricity and will need to invest in a powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
In addition, it’s vital to follow strict fire safety regulations and implement multiple fire protection methods for your server rooms and hardware. Large corporations install special systems to stop fires. One method involves sucking the oxygen out of the room.
These steps are necessary to ensure the correct working of your hardware and software, but they make on-premises systems expensive.
Comparison of top on-premises ERP systems
Here’s a handy table comparing some of the top on-premises ERP systems.

Hybrid ERP solution

A hybrid solution allows you to keep control of your organization. You can choose which data to retain on-premises and which can be sent to the cloud. This offers strong data security and allows your employees to access files, emails, and applications via the cloud.
A hybrid ERP solution uses a combination of on-premises and cloud solutions and can be arranged in the following ways:
- The company continues using its existing on-premises enterprise resource planning system for corporate functions like human resources, finances, facility management, and IT procurement but adds a cloud ERP to provide remote work opportunities or support some business units or regions. This approach helps to bring down costs and facilitate more efficient work.
- The company starts using a cloud ERP for specific business functions that are better supported by the cloud ERP vendor, like mobile accessibility or a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
- The company continues to use an on-premises ERP but stores certain data in the cloud.
What is the difference between a cloud ERP and an on-premise ERP?
Choosing the right type of ERP deployment can be tricky. To aid you in this decision, we’ve created a comprehensive cloud vs on-premise comparison chart to show you the central differences between these types of systems.

Which ERP system is right for your business?
The right ERP system can get you very far in terms of work efficiency, profits, and success. Therefore, it’s important to choose correctly on your first try.
If after reading all of the pros, cons, and comparisons you’re still hesitant as to the type of ERP software you need, we can offer you some experience-based advice.
Globaldev’s advice
An on-premise ERP solution works best for midsize and large companies that have demanding data security policies, need exclusive customizations, have or can hire an internal IT team, and can afford to maintain the system themselves.
However, if you also require well-supported mobile accessibility and/or CRM software, it’s best to go hybrid or invest in a private cloud. This way, you can get the most payback for your business.
Otherwise, it’s far more beneficial to go for a cloud solution. With a cloud-based ERP system, servers, hardware, updates, and security checks are handled for you, so you’re able to concentrate on promoting your products or services and can also save a significant number of resources in the process. And in the event of a disaster, if some of the provider’s servers glitch or fail, it shouldn’t ruin the performance of your system, as cloud ERP vendors have thousands of them.
In our experience, our clients reap many more benefits by implementing cloud ERP than they have from on-premises solutions.
Looking for an ERP partner? At Globaldev, we focus on becoming not just your development company but also an advisor and a trustworthy business ally. We’ll work with you to pick the ERP solution that’s best suited for your company.